duminică, 16 martie 2014

How to Prevent and Treat Acne Scars

Those who are victim of acne think about many issues. It is irritating to suffer acne. The problem of scars keeps many worried for the better part of their lives and make the skin surface a victim of cosmetic disorder.
Actually, there are different kinds of acne scars removals all over the market today. Few works perfectly well while majority of these products will yield little or no results. Some acne has deeply affected the skin surface, most of the time will become incurable. Your primary duty is never to allow scars to form, detect them early and never allow emotional and financial burden to weigh you down.
Our area of focus will highlight many forms of acne scars, how you can actually, detect, treat and prevent them by addressing the internal causes.
Precisely, we will enumerate different kinds of acne scars out there how you can treat this scars, prevent by fighting the scars from within and not from the surface.
Kinds of Acne Scars, causes and identification. Research and findings reveals that severe acne which grows in the deeper layer Dermis, leading to nodules and cysts to form, is likely what triggers acne scars. Infection can also trigger it, cystic acne which works its way deepdown into the dermis and overgrowth of skin tissues. Crushing and bursting can trigger acne scars. It’s been visible that, any kind of acne being contracted, there is every possibility that the scars of some will be more than the others. Such could be aggravated when the wound healing process of the body is not in order, possibly in the process of forming capillary tube or improper collagen discharge, or in the swelling or anabolic and catabolic phases; mistake from this healing process could trigger the scars.
Whatever aggravated acne, avoid permanent scarring, start treating your acne scars as soon as possible.Acne scars can be of two kinds: those aggravated by skin tissue loss and those developed by increase in tissue growth. Formation of scars due to a growth in skin tissue Keloids scars are majorly the results of an increase in skin tissue. This kind of scars are common among black-skinned people. This triggers when there is an excess collagen formation by cells during the healing process. This kind are irregular in formation, usually smooth.
Acne Scars triggered by a loss in skin tissue:
Acne spots: the skin color changes to brown or red. Acne spots usually disappears within a time frame or through some scar removals. Similarly, post inflammatory hyper pigmentation, which follows acne outbreaks, disappears naturally, to accelerate the whole process, you should try MSM.
Ice-pick wounds: The name spells it correctly. This kind of acne scars can be compared to when many cuts are made on the ice with ice pick. You find them on the face. These kinds of scars are skin-deep, more difficult to alleviate than the colored kinds.
Depressed fibrotic scarring: nodules that are deep in nature leaves this kind of scars behind. Usually white and tough, bedeviled by sharp margins and steep sides. Atrophic scar macules: These kinds of scars are smallish, white and very tender. Boxcar scars, marked by vertical edges and round indentations and rolling acne scars which are outcome of the skin surface getting filled to the subcutaneous layer i.e. the other types of acne scars.
Acne scars and their removals. Really, acne scars disappears slowly, just like post inflammatory pigmentations but some will resist removal. The ideal way to eradicate them completely is through topical treatment or surgical cosmetic intervention.
Every acne scars requires deep attention. Even some acne requires one or more combination of treatment for total eradication. There are various reliable scar removal strategy some of which are: pulsed laser technology, dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, punch techniques, collagen injections and creams.

Collaged injection is a method where collagen or fat is injected under the skin. This method works perfectly well for soft scars, whether it is deep or shallow. However, this injection is temporal solution and the injections must be repeated every six months. Precisely, it has side effects and some allergic reactions.
Microdermabrasion is a scar treatment where tiny molecules goes through a vacuum tool. The purpose is to remove the external top layer of the skin. The method causes and aggravates the development of new cells but only efficient in cases of mild scarring.

Laser resurfacing is a method by which the skin layer is flattened and resurfaced with the help of laser. It is done so scars are unnoticed on the skin surface. The newly formed acne scars responds to this laser treatment than the old ones. There can be a number of side effects such as infection and reddening of the skin. This can really aggravate the scars.

Punch grafting is a method which requires the cutting of the acne scar right down to the layer of fat and then stitching it up by using a small skin graft. Each acne scars requires different kind of treatment. Here are tested treatments considering the types of acne scars. Alpha lipoic acid acne cream and MSM are good for use on post hyper pigmentation marks. Laser resurfacing or dermabrasions are tested treatments for ice pick scars. However, these scars do not respond positively to Collagen injections which should only be used on flat or thin scars. The Keloids acne scars can be smoothened with steroid injections, crytotherapy, silicone gel dressing and with pulsed laser treatment combined with carbon dioxide laser vaporization (where there is not too much thickness or too much redness on the keloid scars).

How to Prevent Acne Scars

How to Prevent Scars On the depth of finding, the easiest and fastest route to getting out of dealing with acne scars is to get rid of the acne condition. Remember, your surefire way to permanently cure your acne is to attack the condition from within. Medications and over-the-counter treatments may not help.
Place optimum priority to identify the internal issues that aggravated the acne scar formation, which will keep you free from scarring and will eventually cut your cost to the barest minimum.
Despite the fact that acne forms on the skin surface, likewise the scars that comes with it, acne is not really a skin problem. It is a result of internal imbalances triggered by issues which are wholly within the fold. Remember, you can live a life free of acne scars, by addressing the problems internally before the formation stages completes. This will clear theemotional burden placed on you as you go out with a skin free of acne scars.

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