duminică, 16 martie 2014

Baby Acne : Cause and Treatment of Baby Acne

Baby acne usually short-lived and always lasted less than a month, but if you feel that it is not clear or if it is longer than twelve weeks recommended to speak with your doctor or clinic. It is also recommended that you do not try to apply the treatment itself as creams and medicines, especially for elderly patients who could actually make conditions worse determined. Babies skin is very sensitive and will almost certainly respond poorly to the creams and oils and can cause acute symptoms babies.
What causes baby acne?
There are several factors can lead to acne on the skin of the baby.
* How to teenage acne can be caused by the condition of skin irritation
* The drugs can cause acne and baby
* The possibility of oil or mineral oil is able to cause baby acne.
Since your baby can not be a bad nutritional habits at an early age, infantile acne due to malnutrition is very rare. Malnutrition is a cause of infantile acne, if the parents are not concerned with their baby food.
Does Baby Acne Hurt? More often than not, you will be more affected by your baby acne, as it is. Baby acne does not itch, sting or hurt in any way. And he is too young to pay attention to its ugly appearance. More likely that baby acne will bother you, from your baby. However, infants with severe cases of acne, skin blemishes can be so swollen and inflamed that they cause or add to your baby’s fussiness. See your doctor if you think your baby acne to cause trouble.
Baby acne usually goes away by itself. This is sufficient in many cases to gentle facial cleansing once or at most two times to perform on the day with a mild detergent and clean water baby. Do not scrub baby’s face, this will not help and could be counterproductive. This does not apply lotions or potions or oils. Do not look for fancy baby acne medicine, do not try to have caused the application of vinegar solution for baby acne as some Except baby acne by an underlying disease, there is absolutely no need to treat him. This does not harm your baby and is a purely cosmetic problem. Gently wash your baby’s face with plain water once or twice per day, and do not rub. Cleansing too often or too strong, your baby’s skin irritations.
· No child should sleep on dirty pillows.
· Drinking fresh fruit juices and large quantities of water.
· Not squeeze, dig, touch or pick acne.
· Use paper towels to pat the affected area dry and throw it away.

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